About the workshop

This is a 1-day workshop that digs deep into your firm’s marketing function and provides the inputs for the development of your strategic marketing plan.

A range of tools are used to examine the firm’s marketing from four aspects

Audit : what’s going on outside and inside the firm and what skills/assets do we have at your disposal. We’ll also examine who your competitors are, how they are positioned and what their offerings are.

Objectives : based on everything that the audit reveals, we set marketing objectives relevant to what we’ve learnt.

Build your roadmap : This is where we decide on our strategy and look at the levers (or tactics) we’ll use in order to deliver that strategy. From here you will go on to develop your marketing communications plan with our without my assistance.

Measurement : you can only know if your plan is achieving results if you measure them. We’ll look at a range of measures that you can put in place which will identify what’s working and what’s not. You’ll be able to tweak your roadmap accordingly to keep your objectives in sight.


Why you need it

They say failure to plan is planning to fail, and ‘they’ are right. This plan will provide focus, get everyone moving in the same direction and create the accountability and measurement that will ensure things get done.

Who is this for?

This is for firms that want to grow and have an understanding of marketing. They recognise its importance and contribution towards business success and are committed applying appropriate time, people and resources into their firm’s marketing activity.

Start your marketing orientation NOW!

Contact me today to find out more about building a roadmap to your marketing and firm’s success.