About the workshop

This 3-hour workshop will provide insights into understanding and profiling your clients and competitors and their perceptions of your practice.

We’ll look at the decision-making process and identify where the key challenges of delivering customer value lie.  Using tried and tested models you’ll learn how to carry out meaningful client feedback that really gets under the skin of your clients and will reveal what they truly think about your service and identify how your firm could delivery true customer service by exceeding client expectations.

We’ll also understand how these models can be used to pitch your firm against your competitors, giving a true, like-for-like comparison that identifies key areas of improvement for your firm.

Marketing Communications Planning Bristol

Why you need it

Understanding how our clients perceive is crucial in a world where online reviews last forever and can be posted at the click of a button.  If we want to increase the lifetime value of our clients, we need to talk in terms of their value plus we need to understand how we stand up to our competitors against our clients’ value criteria.  Only then can we be certain to outperform them.

Who is this for?

This is for professional practices and firms experiencing a  high volume of one-time-only clients or who are experiencing client attrition, or if you are struggling to make your marketing communications effective, this workshop will provide invaluable insights.

Start your marketing orientation NOW!

Contact me today to find out more about how this workshop will demonstrate the simplicity and the power of customer profiling and competitor analysis, for your firm’s success.